Google Ads

Google Ads

Google Ads shooting service to be on the first page

In the digital age where online marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a business, Google Ads shooting service is one of the most effective tools to increase sales, expand the customer base, and create brand awareness. If you are looking for a way to effectively promote your products or services, Google Ads shooting service may be the best answer for your business.

We provide Google Ads shooting service to help increase the efficiency of promoting your business, including increasing the target audience accurately and creating good results for conversions to make your business number 1 in searches.

Why use Google Ads?

Reaching the precise target audience

Google Ads allows you to define your target audience in detail and to the most specific and targeted groups, such as age, gender, interests, location, and more, allowing your ads to reach the most potential customers.

Google Ads measures results

Google Ads measures results

Google Ads has data analysis tools that allow you to track and measure the performance of your ads in detail, from the number of clicks, and the number of impressions, to the conversion rate (Conversion Rate).

 Google Ads can control the budget.

Google Ads can control the budget.

You can set a daily or monthly budget for Google Ads shooting, allowing you to control costs and not exceed the set budget.

Google Ads helps increase online sales

Google Ads helps increase online sales

Google Ads helps advertise your website or online store to be displayed at the top of the Google page. Therefore, it will help customers access it more easily, which is an advantage for online sales.

Expand your target group

Expand your target group

Google Ads will help you to display at the top of the Google Ads search results all the time. This is the reason why your brand or business is more well-known.

Google Ads increases the chances of sales and conversions to the maximum.

Google Ads increases the chances of sales and conversions to the maximum.

Increase the chances of sales and conversions to the maximum. For shooting Google Ads, in addition to helping to increase the reach of the target group, it also helps to increase the motivation for customers to decide to buy or use the service. Therefore, creating a reliable web page is important.

Types of ads in Google Ads

Google Ads shooting service has a variety of ad formats that help businesses reach their target groups effectively and precisely. Here are the types of ads in Google Ads that you can choose to use.

Search Ads

Search Ads

  • Ads that appear on Google search results pages when users search for keywords related to your products or services.
  • Suitable for increasing sales and website visits Because searchers are already interested in your product or service.

Display Ads

  • Ads that appear on Google’s partner sites in the Google Display Network come in a variety of formats, including images, videos, or banners.
  • They help build brand awareness and reach a wide audience, even if they may not be looking for your product or service at the time.
Shopping Ads

Video Ads

  • Video ads that appear on YouTube and Google’s video partner network.
  • They help build engagement and brand awareness with engaging and attention-grabbing content.

Shopping Ads

  • Ads that display product images and details, including prices, appear on Google and Google Shopping search results pages.
  • They’re ideal for businesses that sell products online, increasing the chances of selling directly and attracting buyers who are ready to buy.
Local Service Ads

Local Service Ads

  • Ads designed to promote local services, such as plumbers, electricians, or home repair services, appear on search results pages when users search for services in that area.
  • They help you reach local customers who need your services right away.

Smart Campaigns

  • Campaigns that use Google’s AI technology to automatically manage and optimize your ads. They’re ideal for small businesses or those without experience managing ads.
  • They’re time-saving and easy to manage, and they’re effective at driving sales and website traffic.

Google Ads Strategy Based on Data (Data-Driven Strategy)

Using data as the basis for Google Ads strategy allows you to make more accurate and effective decisions. Let’s see how we can strategize with data.

Basic Data Analysis

Set Goals
Set clear goals, such as increasing sales, increasing subscriptions, increasing website visits, or increasing brand awareness.

Keyword Analysis
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find keywords related to your business, keywords with high search volume and not too competitive.

Competitor Analysis
See what keywords your competitors’ ads use and what their strategies are. Using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs can help you analyze your competitors well.

Campaign Setting and Management

Campaign Setting and Management

Create campaigns that are segmented by goals (Campaign Segmentation)
Separate campaigns by goals, such as campaigns for increasing sales and campaigns for building brand awareness, to make results easy and clear to analyze.

Keyword Settings
Choose broad match, phrase match, or exact match keywords, depending on your goals and budget.

Creating an engaging ad copy
Use an appealing ad copy with a clear call to action (CTA) and test different ad copy to find the most effective one.

Using data to improve campaigns

Using data to improve campaigns

Performance Analysis
Track and analyze campaign results, such as clicks, click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and cost per conversion.

A/B Testing
Test different variations of keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to find out which ones perform best.

Budget Adjustment
Analyze your return on investment (ROI) and adjust your budget to campaigns or keywords with higher returns.

Using tools and technology

Using analytics tools:
Use Google Analytics, Google Ads Dashboard, and other analytics tools to collect data and analyze results.

Using machine learning and AI:
Use Google’s Smart Bidding feature, which uses AI technology to automate ad bidding to increase conversion opportunities.

Capital media’s Google Ads Services

Key strategies of Capital Media SEO services focus on using a comprehensive and effective approach to increase your website’s visibility in search results, increase organic search traffic, and increase sales and conversions.

Capital media's Google Ads Services

Keyword Research and Planning

We conduct thorough keyword research to find words relevant to your business, words with high search volume and the highest chance of converting to sales.

Campaign Creation and Management

We create targeted and effective campaigns by selecting the right ad formats, such as Search Ads, Display Ads, Video Ads, and Shopping Ads.

Compelling Ad Copywriting

Our team specializes in writing compelling ad copy with clear calls to action (CTAs) to increase click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate.

Ad Setup and Optimization

We set up ads to align with your goals and continuously improve them using the data from the analysis to get the best results.

Performance Analysis and Reporting

We provide detailed campaign performance analysis and send you regular reports to give you an overview and progress of your ads.

Why Choose Capital Media?

Why Choose Capital Media (1)

Experience and Expertise

Our team has experience managing Google Ads campaigns for a wide range of businesses. We understand trends and proven techniques.

Comprehensive Services

We offer a full range of services, from keyword analysis, campaign creation, and management, to results analysis and reporting.

Excellent Customer Service

We are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients. Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.

Capital Media is ready to be your trusted partner in driving your business towards digital success. Contact us today to start advertising effectively and efficiently!